Carulli, Ferdinando (1770 - 1841) Trois Ouvertures op. 28 n. 1 for guitar 1 pdf with 7 pages.
Magnien, Victor (1804 - 1885) Variations op. 7 n. 2 for guitar Pdf with 8 pages.
Carulli, Ferdinando (1770 - 1841) Trois Ouvertures op. 28 n. 3 for guitar 1 pdf with 8 pages.
Michele Bolaffi (1768-1842)Placido ZeffirettoArietta per Contralto e pianoforte o arpadalla Cantata “Amor timido” di Pietro Metastasio Revisione di Domenica Foti Pdf with 12 pages.
Carulli, Ferdinando (1770 - 1841) Trois Thêmes Variés op. 91 n. 1 for guitar Pdf with 8 pages.
Coste, Napoleon (1806 - 1883) 16 Walses Favorites de J. Strauss op. 7 for guitar Pdf with 9 pages.
Carulli, Ferdinando (1770 - 1841) Trois Thêmes Variés op. 91 n. 2 for guitar Pdf with 7 pages.
Molino, Francesco (1775 - 1847) Six Rondeaux op. 11 for guitar Pdf with 18 pages.
Giuliani, Mauro (1781 - 1829) Divertissemens op. 29 for guitar Pdf with 20 pages.
Gaude, Theodor (1782 - 1846) Serenade op. 50 - Allegretto, Trio - Andante - Minuetto, Trio - Andantino con Variazioni - Rondo for terz guitar and guitar 3 pdf with 39 pages.
Giuliani, Mauro (1781 - 1829) 12 Ländler op. 75 for terz guitar and guitar or for solo guitar Pdf with 14 pages.
Castellacci, Luigi (1797 - 1845) Les Pass Temps op. 54 for guitar Pdf with 13 pages.
Giuliani, Mauro (1781 - 1829) 12 Ländler op. 80 for terz guitar and guitar or for solo guitar Pdf with 13 pages.
Giuliani, Mauro (1781 - 1829) 12 Ländler op. 94 for terz guitar and guitar or for solo guitar Pdf with 13 pages.
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